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What is a Googlebot



What is a Googlebot

What is a Googlebot

What is Googlebot?

              Googlebot works like as a spider, it goes to the particular website and 

              collects information from your webpage on the basis of keywords.



Googlebot is a search software of google which collects the data from all the web pages on internet and save it to google database. With the help of this database , a searchable index is created for  search engines.


How does Googlebot work?

Googlebot work is very modest, the moment we publish any website or any article on internet. It works like as a spider, it goes to the particular website and collects information from your webpage on the basis of keywords. It is a programme that crawls through your webpage and reports back and store data in data centre, also helps search engine tools to know which web page contains what in terms of keywords.

  • Googlebot visits billions of webpages and keep on visiting pages all across the web to collect more and more relevant information in terms of keyword. It retrieves the contents on the basis of link, code and other information and if it is relevant, it sends information to google.


How Googlebot is connected to your website:-


The moment we publish any website it immediately crawls to our web page and appraise to google to update Google index on the basis of keywords. It means our website should be Googlebot friendly and it should be able to reach our website effortlessly. Then only our web page will be rank optimally and it will come on the first three searches on Google or at least on the first page of search engine. That’s why we should always ensure that it is able to see our web page and also it is able to see and read inside the web page. It should be able to access all the links of website as well as all the resources of website.


Ways to see Googlebot a webpage:-

It doesn’t see any page as a human being. It doesn’t see any page in terms of content or images but it sees the coding behind it. It see individuals components of webpage. it is able to access all the contents of webpage if :-

  1. Good HTML
  2. No coding errors
  3. Links should not be complicated i.e so many links inside links.
  4.  Page Link should be correct and readable
  5. Resources should not be blocked by any means like Robots.txt.






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