20 Foods Never to Put in the Refrigerator

20 Foods Never to Put in the Refrigerator

It is quite natural for all of us to want to preserve and protect the foods we purchase. With that in mind, we always think that the best way to do that is by putting them in our refrigerators. However, there are certain foods which should never be placed in the fridge. Below, is the list of such 20 foods.  


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Citrus Fruits : Chill damage is a common effect of cold temperature to the fruits filled up with citric acid like oranges or lemons. These citrus fruits need natural temperature for ripening, so keeping them inside the refrigerators hampers this process. You will also see some spots as well as dull skin on these types of fruits if kept in the refrigerators.

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Citrus Fruits : Chill damage is a common effect of cold temperature to the fruits filled up with citric acid like oranges or lemons. These citrus fruits need natural temperature for ripening, so keeping them inside the refrigerators hampers this process. You will also see some spots as well as dull skin on these types of fruits if kept in the refrigerators.


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